Hélène Delforge | Quentin Gréban (Illustrator)
The Shadow Musketeers
2024 | Editions : Mijade
In Les Mousquetaires de l’Ombre (2024) by Hélène Delforge (author) and Quentin Gréban (illustrator), we follow Hugues, a young boy with a passion for the Musketeers, who leaves his village to fulfil his dream in Paris. When he discovers that he can turn into a werewolf on the nights of a full moon, he realises that his friends Cléo, Louis and Camille also have powers. Recruited by the enigmatic Shadow Musketeers, they embark on a dangerous adventure to track down a mysterious Beast that is terrorising children, reminding them of the famous oath: ‘One for all and all for one!’
- Country: Belgium
- Release date: Oct. 2024 / Availability: Nov. 2024
- from age 10
- Pages : 128