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Le Vicomte et les Mousquetaires - L'ombre des Rose-Croix (2024)

Lawrence Ellsworth

Le Vicomte et les Mousquetaires

2024 - Éditions du Cherche Midi

T.1: L’ombre des Rose-Croix, Volume 1 of the French translation (by Laurent Barucq) of The Rose Knight’s crucifixion by Lawrence Ellsworth. Volume 2 to be published: The Richelieu conspiracy.

French adaptation of The Rose Knight’s crucifixion by Lawrence Ellsworth. This novel, with its original concept of interweaving, takes place in parallel with that of The Three Musketeers, so that the author advises readers to alternate reading a chapter of Dumas’ work with the corresponding chapter of his own.

Story: 1626. While d’Artagnan leaves his province, Louis d’Astarac, a young Gascon viscount, also heads for the capital to find a mysterious book containing the major secrets of the Rosicrucian brotherhood.

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