All about Musketeers
The Musketeers (2014-2016)
British TV series of 3 seasons, freely inspired by the characters of Dumas, created for television by the BBC.
Young Blades (2005)
This North American series is to Dumas what the Backstreet Boys are to music. You'll have to review your expectations.
D’Artagnan (1969)
The series is a complete adaptation of Alexandre Dumas's trilogy of The Three Musketeers, starring Dominique Paturel, famous for being one of France's great dubbing voices of the 80'/90'.
D’Artagnan amoureux (1977)
French television mini-series in five episodes. In the service of Richelieu, D'Artagnan travels to Rome on a confidential mission. Along the way, he rescues Roger de Bussy-Rabutin from a tricky
D’Artagnan, chevalier du roi (1966)
Performance filmed live for television (ORTF) in 5 episodes, with Michel Le Royer.
The Three Musketeers (1966)
A 1967 British adaptation, in black and white, for television (BBC).
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