Statue of d’Artagnan in Borgharen (Netherlands)
Statue de d’Artagnan de Matthias Camps
château de Borgharen Kasteelstraat 6, 6223 BJ Maastricht (Pays-Bas)
The statue represents Charles de Batz de Castelmore, Count d’Artagnan. This French limestone sculpture was designed by Matthias Camps as a graduation piece in 1954. The statue originally stood in the Maastricht Opera House and then in front of the Waldeck Bastion, an old fortification famous for being the site of d’Artagnan’s death during the siege of Maastricht in 1673. After a stint in the gardens of an old people’s home and then in the garden of a social welfare centre in Maastricht, in 2023 it moved to the forecourt of Borgharen Castle in the north of Maastricht, where it has finally found a place of its own.